Saturday, April 29, 2006

catching up

My husband Russell keeps very current when it comes to music. He's always bringing home CDs two months before they're "hits" and his iTunes space is filled with bands I've never heard of, even in passing. Needless to say, he's been enjoying the new Yeah Yeah Yeah's album "Show Your Bones" for some time now.

Me? I'm just now wrapping my ears around the White Stripes, a band whose entrée into the mainstream music scene took place about two years ago. Lately I've been revisiting the bands of Russell's college and post-college days: Kruder and Dorfmeister, Nightmares on Wax, Morcheeba, Portishead--bass beats and electronics--stuff I would have scoffed at in my younger days, but that I now enjoy a great deal. I guess it's easy-listening for a girl who used to blare Led Zeppelin's first album--but I'm getting old.

Anyway, I know critics have panned "Show Your Bones" in the typical "It's their sophomore effort and it's okay that it's not as great as that one song 'Bang,'" but I'll be damned if I wasn't singing "Gold Lion" all day yesterday.

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