Wednesday, August 30, 2006

because i'm catholic? or because i'm crazy?

Today has not been a particularly successful day of writing. And you'd think I could handle that. However, the guilt has been overwhelming, perhaps because I have a couple frequent reminders that I should be writing.

First, the author of a blog I read regularly has been posting somewhat more intermittently than usual, and with good reason. She's trying to write a book herself. Lately, when I go to the blog for a little relaxing reading, a little break from my work, I find one of two things: a.) nothing, or b.) a post about how hard she's working on her book. Not at all soothing, no.

Second, a squirrel has lately been using a tree near my window to air his (or her) lament to the world. I'm not sure what the source of this squirrel's trouble is (neighborhood dogs on the prowl? acorns not ready for fall? twigs for nest are soaked because of all the rain??) but it seems as if he (or she) wants some answers from the small god of squirrel troubles. All I've been hearing all day is a sort of half-squeal, half-whine that sounds like "Weeeellllll? Weeeeeeeeellllllll??" As in, "Weeeeeeeellllll, small god of squirrel troubles, when are you going to give me a hand down here."

To my ears, that squirrel is my conscience saying "Weeeellllll?? Are you going to just sit there, or are you going to write something?" "Weeeeeelllllll??? Is that all you can do?"

I know, I know. It's not guilt, it's clinical...

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