Thursday, September 21, 2006

When “back to work” means “everything rests on my ability to watch 'Grey’s Anatomy'."

An email in response to a friend's question about watching Grey's Anatomy tonight:

-----Original Message-----
From: Jen [mailto:]
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 2:53 PM
To: Friend X; Friend Y; Friend Z
Subject: RE: Grey's Anatomy

Hey everyone,

I MIGHT be watching this episode, I don't know. Right now my cable is freaking out. I just went to set the VCR because I might not get to watch the show tonight--never able to plan my schedule around the shows I like, dammit--and we aren't getting any reception at all. So, we'll see. I thought it might be just a "rabbit ears" issue, but it's something else.

That said, I will NOT be watching this season if something bad happens to the Christina or Burke characters. I hope Addison stays, though, and finds a decent man. I'm not a McDreamy fan--for her or Meredith. And yes, M needs to do something with the mop on her head.

Hope you're all doing well. Back to work.

A slightly later email, wherein said "work" was performed...

-----Original Message-----
From: Jen [mailto:]
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 5:18 PM
To: Friend X; Friend Y; Friend Z
Subject: cable hookups and ph.d.s

Hi all,

You know how I sometimes make fun of the faculty (as a whole, of course) and its inability to operate simple machinery like, say, an overhead, or a copier. Well, I must be on my way toward professor-hood because I "solved" my cable problem this afternoon in one easy step.

After much hemming, hawing, and hand-wringing, during which time I contemplated several possible solutions to my problem**, I finally pulled on the cable part of the rabbit ears. Yep, it was not attached to the TV anymore. F'ing brilliant. I plugged it back into its place and Voila! Channel Nine is fully operational.

Thought you'd get a kick out of that little lesson in humility. Now, do I tell Russell to make him laugh, or do I keep this shameful experience to myself?


**Solutions to cable problem including but not limited to: calling Russell at work, calling landlord and pressing "1" for "emergency" on the maintenance line, climbing onto the roof to check the antenna myself, calling the cable company (meaning, Channel Nine) to determine if service was out all over Cinti, crying, calling the City of Cincinnati to determine if winds (it's not even windy today) had taken down a line... No, I'm not
obsessed. Why do you ask?


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